If a product is in stock next to "Availability" the currently stock level will be listed e.g. "3 in stock". If the product is out of stock in our store and is still available from its supplier in place of the in stock text will be an estimate of when it will be back in stock e.g. "Please allow 5 - 9 working days for dispatch of this item". If you order such items they will appear as "Backordered" in your order confirmation. Orders with items on backorder will be dispatched once all such items can be picked for an order.

We place the majority of our orders on a Monday (e.g. Game Workshop) and receive these deliveries at the latter half of the week after which any orders with backordered items that can be picked will be done so then subsequently dispatched (if the supplier had the items in stock). Some ranges may take longer than a week to restock i.e. Green Stuff World.